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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published nor is it being simultaneously submitted to another journal
  • The submitted text files are in Word format (.DOC, not .DOCX) and are editable
  • The text strictly complies with the bibliographic and style requirements stated in the journal's Style Manual: typography, title format, citations, references, figures, tables, units, etc. (
  • Each reference includes its corresponding DOI in the format
  • "URLs in the references are shortened using,, or similar services
  • Complete information for each author is available to include in the submission form (full name, email, current affiliation, authorship order, corresponding author, ORCID)
  • Performed a final check of format and style using the EA's Manuscript Formatting Template (

Author Guidelines

There are five types of contributions accepted by our journal (the maximum number of words is specified, considering the title, authors, references, etc., and the maximum number of figures and tables):

  • Original Articles (≤8000 words; ≤6 figures and ≤6 tables)
  • Reviews (≤8000 words; ≤6 figures and ≤6 tables)
  • Communications (≤4000 words; ≤3 figures and ≤3 tables)
  • Debates (≤4000 words; ≤3 figures and ≤3 tables)
  • Educational Materials (≤8000 words; ≤6 figures)

Ecología Austral has strict formatting and style guidelines outlined in the Style Manual. As part of the submission process, authors must adhere to all guidelines. Failure to do so may result in submissions being returned to the authors.


We publish results of theoretical, experimental, or field scientific research that represent an original contribution to knowledge in ecology.

Articles undergo review by at least two reviewers. The review process will be confidential unless a reviewer prefers otherwise. The Editor-in-Chief of EA will return manuscripts to authors, without going through the review process, if they do not comply with the preparation standards or do not align with the purposes and orientation of Ecología Austral.

Articles should have a maximum length of 8000 words and include up to 6 figures and 6 tables. For more details on format and style, please refer to the author guidelines and Manuscript Formatting Template.

Upon receiving the galley proof in PDF, authors must submit their corrections within a maximum of 7 days. Otherwise, the manuscript will be printed as is in the galley proof.

There are no publication costs.

Short Communications

These are smaller-scale works but represent a significant advancement in knowledge or methodology development.

Short communications should have a maximum length of 4000 words and include no more than 3 figures and 3 tables. For more details on format and style, please refer to the author guidelines and Manuscript Formatting Template.

There are no publication costs.


Debates present perspectives from the theory or methodology in ecology, supported and substantiated by technical or bibliographic elements. They should have a maximum length of 4000 words and include up to 3 figures and 3 tables. For more details on format and style, please refer to the author guidelines and the Manuscript Formatting Template.

There are no associated costs.


These are summaries of the current state of knowledge on a specific topic. Reviews should have a maximum length of 8000 words and include up to 6 figures and 6 tables. For more details on format and style, please refer to the author guidelines and Manuscript Formatting Template.

There are no associated costs.

Teaching tools

These are short contributions exclusively in Spanish on topics included in ecology curricula, intended to be reading material for undergraduate students. Teaching aids should have a maximum length of 8000 words and up to 6 figures. For more details on format and style, please refer to the author guidelines and the Manuscript Formatting Template.

There are no associated costs.


A pedido de los editores.

Special Section

Artículos por invitación para una sección temática. Al igual que los artículos regulares, los manuscritos de esta sección son evaluados por pares y sometidos al mismo rigor técnico y de formato.

Privacy Statement

The data collected from registered and non-registered users of this journal fall within the scope of standard operation for peer-reviewed journals. The editorial team collects such information only to the extent necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor's interaction with the journal. It includes information that enables communication for the editorial process, is used to inform readers about authorship and content editing, and allows for the collection of aggregated data on reader behavior. Data that will help develop this publishing platform may be shared with its developer, Public Knowledge Project, in an anonymous and aggregated form, with appropriate exceptions, such as article metrics. The data will not be sold by this journal or PKP, nor will it be used for purposes other than those stated here. Authors published in this journal are responsible for the data of human subjects presented in the research presented here.