Land use and conservation of woody vegetation in the Northeast of Patagonia


  • Juan M. Zeberio Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Atlántica. Río Negro, Argentina.
  • Silvia S. Torres Robles Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Atlántica. Río Negro, Argentina.
  • Graciela M. Calabrese Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Andina. Río Negro, Argentina.



Natural systems are often managed for production and provision of environmental services. The main use of semiarid ecosystems of Northeastern Patagonia is grazing by livestock in rangelands. Native vegetation is a shrubby-grassland steppe with isolated groups of trees. In this work we study the relationships between compositional and structural aspects of vegetation and the anthropic use of the Patagonian Monte. Communities were characterized by ecological parameters such as richness, cover, Shannon Wiener’s diversity index (H’) and Importance Value Index (IVI). Sites with similar covers of high and low strata and sites dominated by high shrubby strata presented higher values of Shannon index, greater cover and lower cattle stock. Besides, these sites had higher cover of perennial herbs. Presence of different woody strata provides more cover to the soil and enhances the forage availability in the Monte of the northeastern of Rio Negro.

Author Biography

Juan M. Zeberio, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Sede Atlántica. Río Negro, Argentina.

Profesor Adjunto en la carrera Licenciatura en Ciencias del Ambiente.


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Uso del suelo y estado de conservación de la vegetación leñosa del monte en el noreste patagónico



How to Cite

Zeberio, J. M., Torres Robles, S. S., & Calabrese, G. M. (2018). Land use and conservation of woody vegetation in the Northeast of Patagonia. Ecología Austral, 28(3), 543–552.