Is there a consensus gap on climate change in South America? Evidence from sentiment analysis in social networks


  • Fernando A. I. González Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur.



public opinion, environment, classification algorithms, Twitter


This work investigates the possible existence of a consensus gap between scientific evidence and majority public perception, related to climate change in South America. Text mining techniques were used to extract georeferenced data from the social network Twitter during September and October of 2019. The selected text is classified from two classifiers such as the naive Bayesian classifier and the vector support machines classifier. Both classification algorithms have high accuracy rates (>80%). The results suggest the absence of a consensus gap in the case of South America, at present. This gap seems to be restricted to the case of countries like the United States. In South America, 86% to 95% of all tweets was classified as positive (believes that climate change is real).


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¿Existe en América del Sur una brecha de consenso sobre el cambio climático? Evidencia a partir del análisis de percepción en redes sociales



How to Cite

González, F. A. I. (2020). Is there a consensus gap on climate change in South America? Evidence from sentiment analysis in social networks. Ecología Austral, 30(2), 260–267.