Indicators of degradation and root biomass for meadow ecosystems in a watershed of Southern Santa Cruz province
wetlands, condition of deterioration, vegetation, soilAbstract
We conducted a study in order to analyze the association between vegetation and soil indicators, to assess the variation of these variables between sectors and condition of degradation, and to evaluate parameters of groundwater and root biomass between meadows with different condition in a watershed of southern Santa Cruz. Cover of the main forage species, litter, bare soil (BS), species that indicate degradation (IS), standing dead plant material and aerial biomass (B) were determined during three years in five contrasting meadow conditions (wet sector in good condition and wet and dry sectors in moderate and highly degraded conditions). Soil mechanical resistance, bulk density (BD), pH, electrical resistance, soil organic matter, groundwater electrical conductivity, sodium absorption ratio and root biomass were measured. Vegetation and soil variables were analyzed using an experiment tri-factorial 2x2x3 (i.e., Sector [S, Wet and Dry], Date [December and April] and Condition [C, Good, Moderate and Highly Degraded]). A completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications and subdivided plots arrangement was used. The study identified vegetation and soil variables associated with the C and S. Highly degraded meadows showed high IS and low AB values. BD was higher (P<0.05) in the highly deteriorated meadow. Root biomass was reduced with the deterioration of meadow. We conclude that it is possible to analyze the associate vegetation and soil variables with the C and S of meadow and explain the variation of radical biomass in relation to condition of degradation.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Víctor R. Utrilla, Miguel Andrade, Sabrina Billoni, Bibiana Rogel, Pablo L. Peri
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