Water stress coping strategies for three shrub species of the Monte desert and their relevance for restoration





stress-tolerator, ruderal, Grime's triangle, pression-volume curves, Atriplex lampa, Larrea cuneifolia, Senecio subulatus


Knowing the different strategies of shrub species in arid zones allows selecting them to restore a specific site. According to Grime’s strategy scheme, plants of arid zones diverge into two main types: stress-tolerant, on the one hand, and ruderal, on the other. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptations to water stress of three shrub species (Atriplex lampa, Larrea cuneifolia and Senecio subulatus) widely distributed along the Monte region, as to be able to select them properly in future restoration projects. Three levels of water stress (watered when soil water content decreased by 50, 70 and 85%, control, moderate and severe water stress, respectively) were applied to 60 seedlings per species in a glasshouse study; pressure-volume curves were obtained and then, dry weight, tissue water relations parameters and ecophysiological indices associated with drought tolerance were measured. The strategies according to Grime were obtained using the StrateFy tool. Under severe water stress, the three species accumulated less dry matter and decreased their leaf area, and the growth of S. subulatus was the most affected. A. lampa and L. cuneifolia showed low leaf dry matter content, and A. lampa had the lowest specific leaf area. Through these foliar characters, the three species were classified as stress-tolerant according to Grime. Besides, A. lampa and L. cuneifolia perform osmotic adjustment under water stress conditions, while S. subulatus maintains high water potentials and does not modify its hydric parameters under these conditions. Therefore, S. subulatus has few mechanisms to cope with water stress and could be used to restore microsites where water accumulates, while A. lampa and L. cuneifolia, due to their stress-tolerant characteristics, are recommended for wide use to restore degraded areas of the Monte region.

Author Biography

María E. Fernández, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas (IADIZA), Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza - CONICET

Becaria postdoctoral de CONICET en el grupo de Ecofisiología y Producción Animal


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Estrategias de tres especies arbustivas del Monte frente al estrés hídrico y su relevancia para la restauración



How to Cite

Fernández, M. E. (2020). Water stress coping strategies for three shrub species of the Monte desert and their relevance for restoration. Ecología Austral, 30(2), 205–219. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.