Landscape integrity and influence on Chironomidae composition assemblages in small order streams


  • Kamila R. De Toni
  • Diane Nava
  • Rozane M. Restello
  • Vanderlei Decian
  • Ivan L. Rovani
  • Luiz U. Hepp



Ecología Austral, 24:335-342 (2014)

Studies in stream ecology are aimed at understanding the patterns of distribution of aquatic communities, trying to answer how local and regional factors influence the occurrence and persistence of species in these ecosystems. This study investigated the influence of land use on the Chironomidae community in streams in two drainage areas in southern Brazil. Chironomid larvae were collected in1st and 2nd orders. The riparian zone of streams (30 m on both sides) had its landscape analyzed using GIS techniques, and land uses classified as consistent and non-consistent. The land use influence was different between the two drainage areas. Likewise, the composition of Chironomidae community in streams was different between the two drainage areas. Among the different land uses, the community was influenced mainly by agriculture and arboreous vegetation. We conclud that the aquatic communities respond to environmental changes not only at local scale but also at broader scales, such as landscape features of the surrounding areas.


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How to Cite

De Toni, K. R., Nava, D., Restello, R. M., Decian, V., Rovani, I. L., & Hepp, L. U. (2014). Landscape integrity and influence on Chironomidae composition assemblages in small order streams. Ecología Austral, 24(3), 335–342.