Germination and growth of Vicia magellanica: Potential applications on post-fire restoration in north Andean Patagonia


  • Melisa Blackhall Laboratorio Ecotono, INIBIOMA, CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Bariloche, Argentina.
  • Ana Villán Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Bariloche, Argentina.
  • Miriam E. Gobbi Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Bariloche, Argentina.



regeneration, seeds, temperature, scarification, ash, biosolids compost


Knowing the regeneration dynamics of pioneer species after fires is essential to design tools for the protection and restoration of environments degraded by fire. Autoecology studies of native species can contribute with valuable information for planning land management and passive and/or active restoration actions. We conducted essays of seed germination and plant growth (utilizing burned soils with and without incorporation of compost) with the purpose of a) identifying factors associated to fire that could be related to post-fire regeneration patterns of Vicia magellanica (Fabaceae), and, as well, b) discussing the potential role of this species in the active restoration of burned areas of northwest Patagonia. In general, percentages of germination exceeded 90% of total germination for almost all treatments (control, application of ashes, physical scarification, cold stratification). However, the exposition of seeds to dry heat, associated to the elevated soil temperatures during fire occurrence (100 °C and 120 °C), showed a negative effect on seed germination. The results of the plant growth experiment evaluating the performance of V. magellanica in a possible active restoration scenario after a fire showed that the edaphic conditions associated with a burnt soil allowed a satisfactory development of individuals. Plants growing in burned soils without biosolids compost presented a higher aboveground and belowground biomass and a higher number of flowers, in comparison to plants growing in burned soils without compost. These characteristics might confer V. magellanica an advantage for colonizing burned degraded soils. Vicia magellanica presents several properties that could support the use of this species for post-fire revegetation strategies in forest and shrublands of northwest Patagonia, principally by applying direct sowing in the field, and particularly during early post-fire stages.


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Germinación y crecimiento de Vicia magellanica: Implicancias para la restauración de áreas incendiadas en el norte de la Patagonia andina



How to Cite

Blackhall, M., Villán, A., & Gobbi, M. E. (2021). Germination and growth of Vicia magellanica: Potential applications on post-fire restoration in north Andean Patagonia. Ecología Austral, 31(1), 029–042.