Water yield in primary watersheds under grasslands and pine plantations in the hills of Córdoba (Argentina)
afforestation, Water cycle, ecosystem services, water balanceAbstract
Vegetation changes can have a strong imprint on the hydrological cycle, affecting the magnitude and temporal distribution of stream and river flow. These effects gain special relevance in the mountain ranges of dry regions, which play a key role in water provision. This is the case of the eastern front of the Córdoba hills, where ~35.000 ha of pine plantations have replaced natural grasslands. We explored how this transformation has affected water yield in small watersheds. For this purpose we selected four pairs of neighboring watersheds occupied by natural grasslands and Pinus ellioti plantations (area: 27 to 143 ha; elevation: 1100 to 1750 m.a.s.l.). For all pairs, basal streamflow was measured through the tracer dilution method with seasonal frequency between May 2004 and January 2007, and in two of these pairs we performed a continuous monitoring using automatic level sensors during the transition between the dry and humid season of 2006-2007. On average, water yield in afforested watersheds was 48% less than in grassland watersheds (112 vs. 204 mm/year or 24 vs. 13% of precipitation inputs during the study period, P<0.05). Continuous measurements revealed higher base flows and little response to vegetation in high elevation and slope watersheds, and lower and more vegetation-sensitive base flows in low elevation and intermediate slope watersheds. The remote sensing characterization of watersheds based on a green index (NDVI) from MODIS suggested higher and more stable primary productivity and evapotranspiration under plantations compared to grasslands, with maximum contrasts taking place in winter. Currently the impact of plantations in the hills on water provision can be intense only at the level of primary watersheds, since those of larger order are only partially afforested. At the regional level is important to contemplate these effects to project how much, where and how will be planted, particularly in areas that supply water to the largest foci of hydroenergy and urban demand.
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