Ethnoecological knowledge of pastoral Andeans: its importance for the conservation and management of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)


  • Ana C. Wawrzyk Grupo de investigación VICAM: Vicuñas, camélidos y ambiente; Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad Nacional de Luján



highlands management and conservation, local people, perception, traditional ecological knowledge


The interest regarding the ethnobiological knowledge of indigenous peoples has increased in the last decades. Evidence indicates that such knowledge contributes to biodiversity conservation, to the preservation of protected areas and to the sustainable use of natural resources. Andean people have knowledge and skills about the use of natural resources based on their own practices and experiences, related mainly with the grazing activity. Because natural resources and wildlife are under an unprecedented pressure from human activity, it is essential to analyze how the human relationship with wildlife influences management and conservation plans. We performed interviews in the Puna jujeña, in the towns of Cieneguillas, Suripujio, Susques y Lagunillas del Farallón. I conducted inquiries regarding the biological and behavioral knowledge of the wild vicuña inhabiting the region. In general, pastorals of the four localities recognize that the vicuña are organized in family groups and solitary males groups, but due to the absence of sexual dimorphism, it is difficult to distinguish between male and female and their relative proportions. They also note that the vicuña prefer the best pastures and stay in places with water availability. In some cases, local people knowledge in relation to the species is incomplete or disagree with scientific data. Understanding the traditional ecological knowledge of the wild vicuña contributes to the design of conservation and management plans, which can be adapted to local realities by revaluing the Andean worldview.


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How to Cite

Wawrzyk, A. C. (2013). Ethnoecological knowledge of pastoral Andeans: its importance for the conservation and management of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna). Ecología Austral, 23(3), 156–164.