Causes for unsustainability


  • Hugo von Bernard Médico Veterinario. CONICET. Departamento de Zootecnia. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Martha Gorbarán Abogada. Actividad privada. Dirección postal: José M. Paz 2430, (1636) Olivos, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Sustainability, causes for unsustainability


In this article we discuss the reasons that prevent societies from achieving an environmental, economical or social sustainability. Our conclusions are that human needs and desires do not allow them to reach this sustainability. Few works on sustainability consider the desire for consumption or the fact that reducing emissions to the environment requires re-designing the whole economy based on a model of low energy use and consumption. To our knowledge, there has not been a society that has survived in a sustainable fashion.


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How to Cite

von Bernard, H., & Gorbarán, M. (2010). Causes for unsustainability. Ecología Austral, 20(3), 303–306. Retrieved from