The ecologist role in the global environmental crisis
scientific community, environmental problems, environmental policies, ecological scienceAbstract
Global, human-induced changes are affecting a variety of processes ranging from biological evolution to human economy and well being, and Argentina is not an exception. Societies face new challenges, and researchers should rethink their role in our society. Particularly, ecologists should play an especially important role in designing strategies to mitigate global changes. However, when environmental problems appear in the media, Argentine ecologists have a very limited participation, both as individuals, or as members of a scientific community. In this context, we ask: is it our only role to generate scientific knowledge to be used by other professionals? Do we have a higher capacity to generate change than other stakeholders? Should we propose, or participate, in the formulation of environmental policies? Should we participate in the management of natural resources? Possibly, many ecologists have already asked themselves these questions and perform their work accordingly, but it is clear that as an Argentine scientific community, we need a deep discussion of these issues. We consider it necessary that ecologists play a much more active role in the management of natural resources, and believe that the coordination at the level of the scientific community (e.g., universities, associations, etc.) would allow much more efficient actions.
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