On “The role of ecologist in the environmental crisis” by Gurvich et al., this issue


  • José Paruelo CONICET, Laboratorio de Análisis Regional y Teledetección, Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información, IFEVA, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Outreach activities, environmental problems, education, nature-society


Those of us who work in science have often to face the frustration that the knowledge produced in our labs is not taken into consideration by those who manage natural resources. This is a common feature of all disciplines that do not generate knowledge that gives rise to “appropriable” technological developments. Among the factors that contribute to a poor transfer of knowledge, in this article I highlight three of them. First, the lack of a professional profile in the disciplinary formation. Second, the “scientific illiteracy” of the society that does not perceive science as a process aimed at understanding the real world and operate on it. Lastly, the presence of diverse values and interests within the scientific community makes it very difficult to find unanimous positions.


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How to Cite

Paruelo, J. (2009). On “The role of ecologist in the environmental crisis” by Gurvich et al., this issue. Ecología Austral, 19(3), 255–258. Retrieved from https://ojs.ecologiaaustral.com.ar/index.php/Ecologia_Austral/article/view/1338