Spatial pattern of regeneration of two woody species in a logged area in Paranaense Forest


  • Martín A. Pinazo INTA, EEA Montecarlo, Misiones. Argentina.
  • Fabio A. Moscovich INTA, EEA Montecarlo, Misiones. Argentina.
  • Claudio Dummel INTA, EEA Montecarlo, Misiones. Argentina.
  • Otto E. Knebel INTA, EEA Montecarlo, Misiones. Argentina.


spatial distribution, O ring index, seed dispersal, Cabralea canjerana, Balfourodendron riedelianum


The regeneration patterns of plants determine the structure of mature communities and provide usefull information to ensure the rational use of valuables species. In this study, the spatial regeneration pattern of Cabralea canjerana (Vell.) Mart. and Balfourodendron riedelianum (Eng.) Eng. was studied in a remnant sector of Paranaense Forest in Misiones province, Argentine. We evaluated the regeneration clustering, also the related patterns with conspecific adults trees potentially linked to density dependent process; and the existence of facilitation process related to the adult trees from all species. All trees were mapped in 4 replications of 100 x 100 m plots. Univariate and bivariate point pattern analysis were carried out using Wiegand & Moloney “O” ring index. Both species have showed a regeneration in aggregated pattern for distances up to 15 m. A positive relationship was verified for distances between 5 and 10 m for C. canjerana regeneration and conespecific adult trees; and the regeneration of B. riedelianum showed a random pattern in short distances (<5 m) and a positive association forlarger distances of 10 m with their conspecific adult trees. The relationship between C. canjerana regeneration and adult trees from all species was positive at distances of 10 m, whereas B. riedelianum showed association at 10 m onward. The observed regeneration patterns of C. canjerana could be due to the primary and secondary dispersal mechanism of the species. On the other side, the observed patterns of B. riedelianum may represent a seed dispersal limitation, but the regeneration depends on the presence of adult trees of this species.


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How to Cite

Pinazo, M. A., Moscovich, F. A., Dummel, C., & Knebel, O. E. (2009). Spatial pattern of regeneration of two woody species in a logged area in Paranaense Forest. Ecología Austral, 19(2), 139–148. Retrieved from


