Fruits removal of an invasive plant (Lantana camara L.) in the Chaco forest of Córdoba (Argentine)


  • Gabriel Grilli IMBIV, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Leonardo Galetto IMBIV, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina.


dispersers, edge effect, fragment size, pericarp


Seed dispersal process can be related to biological invasions and to different groups of animals that are associated to this interaction. Furthermore, these processes can change with the fragmentation of the habitat. The aim of this work is to describe and quantify the removal process of an invasive species (Lantana camara) of the Chaco forest and analyze possible relationships between seed removal rates and parameters of fragmentation (edge effect), fruit traits, and exclusion treatments for different animal groups. We measured fruit removal directly from the infructescences and from fruits offered on the ground under the plant at the edge and at the interior of a continuous forest (>1000 ha). To analyze fruit removal we labeled infructescences, carried out periodic counts of remnants fruits and performed survival curves. In addition, we offered fruits with different exclusion treatments at the base of the individuals to evaluate fruit removal. Labeled fruits of infructescences and those offered on the ground had lower survival probabilities at the edge than at the interior of the fragment. Fleshy fruits showed a lower survival probability than fruits without pulp. Fruits removal of this invasive species would be influenced by the particularities of the site and by the characteristics of the animal groups.


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How to Cite

Grilli, G., & Galetto, L. (2009). Fruits removal of an invasive plant (Lantana camara L.) in the Chaco forest of Córdoba (Argentine). Ecología Austral, 19(2), 149–156. Retrieved from


