Richness of arthropods benthic fauna in a subtropical endorheic basin (Tucumán, Argentina)
biodiversity, Yungas, Sobs, ICE, Jack1, Cole, mountain streamsAbstract
The reduction of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems makes necessary the development of empirical basis that describe the patterns of distribution of aquatic organisms. With this purpose, the richness of arthropods from benthic zones was studied using different estimators: Sobs, ICE, Jack1 and Cole. We used a data base of aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna from streams of Yungas biodiversity project including 2300 enters. The richness comparison (Jack1 ) between the better sub-basins sampled (>300 enters) did not detect differences between them. Besides, a multivariate analysis revealed that the total number of streams and discharge were the variables that accounted for most variation. This study showed the differences in knowledge of the benthic communities from the studied sub-basins.
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