The degree of protection of the Patagonian amphibians of Argentina
anuran conservation, protected areas, amphibian decline, threats to biodiversity, PatagoniaAbstract
This paper assesses whether the protected areas in Patagonia provide adequate protection to amphibians in the region. The distribution and conservation categories of 31 anuran taxa were analyzed regarding the location of protected areas, particularly those belonging to the Argentine national system. Six taxa, most of which are typical of the steppe, were not recorded in any protection unit. All forest amphibians are found in at least one protection unit. Five taxa considered threatened, and one insufficiently known, are not included in any protection unit. Other threatened amphibians, including microendemisms and one monotypical genus, are found in areas where their conservation is not guaranteed, due to lack of implementation or control. The contiguousness of several Argentine and Chilean National Parks along the Patagonian Andes contributes to the protection of forest amphibians, although it benefits only one of the steppe species. The historical reasons that influenced the location of protected areas have had a positive effect on forest batrachofauna, whereas most of the endemic taxa from the steppe have remained outside the national protected areas and their protection in areas that do not belong to the national system remains deficient or null.
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