Benthic invertebrates as indicators of water quality in urban rivers (Paraná-Entre Ríos, Argentina)


  • Paola J. Pavé Depto. de Ciencias Naturales, Fac. de Humanidades y Ciencias (UNL), Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina
  • ‪Mercedes Marchese Depto. de Ciencias Naturales, Fac. de Humanidades y Ciencias (UNL), Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Limnología (INALI-CONICET-UNL), Santo Tomé, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina


species assemblages, organic pollution, tributaries, Middle Paraná River


The aim of this study is to assess the effects of industrial and sewage discharges on the benthic structure of urban rivers. Also, the species assemblages associated to different water quality conditions were studied. Four sampling sites were analyzed, from July 2000 to February 2002, during high water level in two urban rivers. In order to determine the quality of the water and the species assemblages, ANOVA, principal components analysis, species diversity and distance index among sites were applied. Eighty-five species or morphospecies were identified, dominated by Oligochaeta and Chironomidae. Average density of benthic invertebrates varied between 233 ind/m2 and 29265 ind/m2, with higher densities registered in the reference sampling site than in the ones affected by industrial discharges. The species richness ranged from four to 43 taxa, and the Shannon-Wiener index, from 1.37 to 3.95, with the highest value registered in Saucesito river. Filtering and gathering collectors were the dominant feeding groups in all the sites because of the high fine particulate organic matter content. The biological oxygen demand was the main factor in determinating the benthic invertebrates distribution and composition. Las Tunas River is hardly polluted, with low benthic density, species richness and diversity, and high DBO5 values. Saucesito River shows a better water quality, mainly upstream of the industrial discharges. The gradient from clean to polluted water quality, was characterized by the species assemblages Ostracods Podocopida, Tanytarsus sp., D. (D.) obtusa, Djalmabatista sp. 2, Rheotanytarsus sp. 1, S. fossularis and Cricotopus sp. 1 → N. variabilis, C. xanthus and L. hoffmeisteri.


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How to Cite

Pavé, P. J., & Marchese, ‪Mercedes. (2005). Benthic invertebrates as indicators of water quality in urban rivers (Paraná-Entre Ríos, Argentina). Ecología Austral, 15(2), 183–197. Retrieved from


