Management of forage offer in the National Park Campos del Tuyú and neighbouring cattle farms for Pampas’s deer conservation
Campos del Tuyú National Park, located at the southern part of the Samborombón Bay, is a protected area created to promote the recovery of an endangered species, the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer). Previous studies suggest that deer protection is related to the availability and nutritive value of forage provided byCeltis tala and Spartina densiflora communities, both preferred as feeding habitat. With the aim of enhace forage offer for pampa deer, specific management practices were designed: a) high intensity biomass defoliation in late summer followed by cattle exclusion from March to August in the Celtis community of the neighbor cattle farm, and b) periodic biomass defoliation of the Spartina densiflora Brongn community in the protected area. Defoliation in late summer followed by cattle exclusion from March to August in the Celtis community promoted the establishment or increased the contribution of the native cool-season grasses Bromus catharticus, Bromus auleticus and Elymus scabrifolius and warm-season grasses Bothriochloa laguroides and Paspalum dilatatum, and the legume Melilotus officinalis. Periodic defoliation of the Spartina densiflora community during its growing period increased the contribution of the native cool-season grasses Elymus scabrifolius, Chaetotropis elongata and Phalaris angusta and of the legume Melilotus officinalis, while decrease basal cover of the cordgrass Cortaderia selloana. Forage value increased in both communties because grasses and legumes species of high nutritive value increased their contribution, while herbaceous species of low nutritive value decrease their proportion.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Adriana Rodríguez, Elizabeth Jacobo, Germán Roitman, Fernando Miñarro, Pablo Preliasco, Mario Beade
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