Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) in pots with three different soils supplied with phosphorus


  • Corina Graciano INFIVE, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
  • Juan F. Goya INFIVE, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina. LISEA, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
  • Daniel O. Caldiz INFIVE, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina


soil-nutrient interaction, growth, biomass partitioning


Eucalyptus globulus seedlings were transplanted in pots filled with three types of soils with different physical and chemical properties: a sandy soil, a clay soil and a loamy soil. These soil types are frequently used to plant eucalyptus with high productivity. All treatments were daily watered and phosphorus was applied at the time of planting as 0, 6, 12 and 24 g of super phosphate per plant, corresponding to 0, 2.76, 5.52 y 11.04 g of P2O5 , respectively. Total leaf area and dry matter of leaves, branches and stem of each tree were measured at the beginning of the experiment and after 34, 76 and 126 days. To evaluate the contribution of each organ to total aboveground dry mass we calculated leaves:total, branches:total and steam:total ratios, as well as specific leaf area and net assimilation rate. Soil/ phosphorous doses interaction was observed after 126 days, but not in previous sampling dates. In sandy soil, the fertilization treatments reduced total aboveground dry matter accumulation probably due to nitrogen deficiency. In loamy soil (with enough nitrogen and phosphorus content) fertilization produced no effect, while in clay soil (with smaller phosphorus amount than loamy soil) phosphorous fertilization increased dry matter accumulation. Leaf area followed the same pattern than total aboveground dry mass, but specific leaf area was not modified in any treatment. Stem and branch dry matter increased with fertilization in loamy and clay soils, but when we analyzed the contribution of each organ, we found that branch:total ratio increased and stem:total ratio decreased with the phosphorus supply in all the soils. Net assimilation rate increased in loamy and clay soils and decreased in sandy soil, reaching lower values in the latter than in the other two fertile soils. We concluded that fertilization of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings with phosphorus affects total dry matter accumulation and its distribution depending on soil properties. Therefore, it is necessary to test the response of each type of soil to fertilization.


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How to Cite

Graciano, C., Goya, J. F., & Caldiz, D. O. (2004). Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) in pots with three different soils supplied with phosphorus. Ecología Austral, 14(1), 053–063. Retrieved from https://ojs.ecologiaaustral.com.ar/index.php/Ecologia_Austral/article/view/1522


