Structural changes caused by selective logging in Montane Forest of northern Salta, Argentina


  • Martín A. Pinazo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
  • Nestor Ignacio Gasparri Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina


Forest structural changes, commercial timber species, Cedrela lilloi, Podocarpus parlatorei, Juglans australis, Yungas


The forest structure of a selectively logged stand of Montane Forest was compared with that of natural stands in northern Salta, Argentina. We used a systematic sampling design with concentric circular plots. Trees were classified in three size classes: adults (DBH >10 cm), saplings (DBH <10 cm and height >1.3 m), and seedlings (height <1.3 m). The density of adults, saplings and seedlings, and basal area for adults, were calculated for each stand. Logs of the main commercial species (Cedrela lilloi, Juglans australis and Podocarpus parlatorei) were classified into timber use categories. We compared structural parameters of stands by using descriptive statistics. In each plot a hemispherical photograph was taken to estimate canopy cover. Stand basal area was lower in the harvested stand, while we found no important differences in density. At the species level, a significant decrease in basal area was found for Podocarpus parlatorei. Cedrela lilloi regeneration was lower in the logged stand than in natural stands with frequent gaps. Timber values of previously harvested stands are depleted with no regeneration of commercial species. Thus, these forests cannot yield new harvests if the current condition, especially if selective cuttings without silviculture practice after logging, persists. We therefore conclude that silvicultural interventions are needed after selective logging to maintain the commercial timber species. The current management is not sustainable because it does not ensure adequate opportunities for natural regeneration.


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How to Cite

Pinazo, M. A., & Gasparri, N. I. (2003). Structural changes caused by selective logging in Montane Forest of northern Salta, Argentina. Ecología Austral, 13(2), 160–172. Retrieved from


