Non-native conifer plantations in Patagonia: risks of planting without proper management


  • Estela Raffaele Laboratorio Ecotono, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, INIBIOMA-CONICET. Bariloche, Argentina.
  • Martín Núñez Laboratorio Ecotono, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, INIBIOMA-CONICET. Bariloche, Argentina.
  • María Relva Laboratorio Ecotono, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, INIBIOMA-CONICET. Bariloche, Argentina.



In the last decade in Patagonia, a significant number of research studies evaluated the environmental impact of plantations and analyzed the modes of production in order to increase the yield and reduce its impact. While plantations provide benefits for regional economies, at the present the extent of this contribution is unclear. Furthermore, there are several environmental problems produced by plantations, with the invasions of adjacent ecosystems being one of the most damaging impacts in the long term. Another problem related to the plantations, although still incipient in the region, is the increment of forest wildfires. Plantations accumulate large amounts of dry and flammable fuel, particularly when they are not properly managed. Also many species or varieties of Pinaceae are adapted to fire, so they could not only change the regime and type of fires, but also display positive feedbacks causing high social, economic and ecological costs. We believe that these problems could be minimized to a great extent with the application of good forestry practices.


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How to Cite

Raffaele, E., Núñez, M., & Relva, M. (2015). Non-native conifer plantations in Patagonia: risks of planting without proper management. Ecología Austral, 25(2), 89–92.