Tussock grasses as shelters for overwintering arthropods in Pampean agroecosystems: effects of plant size, clustering and architecture
Perennial grasses are used as overwintering shelters by several arthropod species in the Pampa region. Plant size, structure, and clustering may condition habitat or shelter availability, and therefore their selection by overwintering arthropods. We analyzed the influence of clustering, size and architecture modification of Schizachyrium condensatum plants on the abundance and richness of these arthropods dwelling inside these plants. We set up plants of different sizes, from large (110 cm tall) to small (70 cm tall), along the edge of a field crop in the Rolling Pampas. They were planted isolated or in groups of five plants, with or without architecture modification (open or closed). After the winter season, overwintering arthropods were removed and the abundance and richness of morphospecies were calculated for each plant. Two predator species from the Coccinellidae family, Hippodamia convergens and Coccinella ancoralis, represented almost 90% of total abundance in large, grouped and closed plants. In large closed plants there was almost twice the abundance of arthropods than in large open plants. In small plants there was no effect due to architecture. In small plants there was similar arthropod richness between isolated and grouped plants, whereas in large plants there was almost twice the species in grouped than in isolated plants. Our results show that small plant size, as well as opening and isolation for large plants, negatively affected the choice of wintering sites for coccinelids. Therefore, we highlight the importance of conserving perennial grassesin the edges of agricultural areas as they allow the persistence of aphidofagous coccinelids in the surroundings of crop fields during wintering periods and thus contribute to the sustainability of the beneficial fauna.
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