Variabilidad poblacional de Lotus glaber en relación con la absorción de fósforo del suelo


  • R. E. Mendoza Centro de Ecofisiología Vegetal (CONICET). Serrano 669, 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • E. Pagani Centro de Ecofisiología Vegetal (CONICET). Serrano 669, 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • M. C. Pomar Centro de Ecofisiología Vegetal (CONICET). Serrano 669, 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina.


We studied the population variation of Lotus glaber (ex L. tenuis) in soils of the “Depresion del Río Salado“ and its relationship with plant variables related with P uptake. Two groups of five individuals of L. glaber were collected from two populations located at Chascomús and Samborombón which differed in theirsoils characteristics. The five genotypes of each population were cloned by cuttings and were grown on their original and on the other population soil in a glasshouse. The yield of shoots and roots, and P uptake were measured and differences among populations and genotypes within populations were compared. Most of the studied characteristics differed both between populations and genotypes within a given population. The observed differences were attributed to plasticity or genetic variation. When genotypes of the same population were cultivated on two different soils, there was a different response between the two soils. The two population differed in the ability to absorb P from the soil, and therefore in their ability to grow at low P availability. The presence of different genotypes and the observed plasticity between populations may explain the spread of Lotus glaber within the“Depresion del Río Salado“.


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How to Cite

Mendoza, R. E., Pagani, E., & Pomar, M. C. (2000). Variabilidad poblacional de Lotus glaber en relación con la absorción de fósforo del suelo. Ecología Austral, 10(1), 003–014. Retrieved from


