Disposición espacial de las larvas de Rachiplusia nu Gueneé (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en el cultivo de soja
Rachiplusia nu is a pest of crops and it is also found on natural vegetation in Argentina. The objective of this study was to determine the spatial pattern of R. nu larvae in soybean crops in the Pampean region and the optimal number of samples required to estimate larval density with a given precision. The study was carried out in double cropping soybean experimental plots, at two sites during different years. By means of weekly samplings, from one month after sowing through leaf senescence, we recorded the number of R. nu larvae. We determined their spatial pattern by means of the variance/mean ratio and Taylor and Iwao regression methods. Dispersion tended to become more random at lower densities and aggregation was apparent only at higher densities. Both regression methods detected clumping when the whole range of larval mean density was considered. Optimal number of sample units varied (970-10) according to precision levels and larval mean densities.
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