Efectos genéticos y ambientales sobre el comportamiento germinativo de poblaciones de Moha perenne


  • Gustavo E. Schrauf Facultad de Agronomía-UBA. Av. San Martín 4453 - 1417 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Andrés Martino Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de Esperanza- UNL. Av. R. P. Luis Kreder 2805 - 3080 Esperanza - Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Julio Giavedoni Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de Esperanza- UNL. Av. R. P. Luis Kreder 2805 - 3080 Esperanza - Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • José F. Pensiero Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de Esperanza- UNL. Av. R. P. Luis Kreder 2805 - 3080 Esperanza - Santa Fe, Argentina.


The germination behavior of dispersal units and caryopses was analyzed in three populations of Setaria lachnea (Nees) Kunth (Santa Fe, sub-humid central region of Argentina, La Pampa, temperate semi-arid region, and Jujuy, sub-humid northern region, m. o. s. 1650). In order to discriminate between the effects of barriers to the entrance of water and oxygen from the effects of inhibitors, seeds were incubated under the following treatments: I) dressed caryopses with their covers (spikelets), II) naked caryopses together with their covers, and III) naked caryopses. The effects of year of seed harvest, KNO3 as germination substratum, and osmotic potential of the solution (PEG 25 %) on germination behavior were studied in one of the populations (Jujuy). The population from Santa Fe showed the highest germination (42%), while the population of Jujuy had the lowest (15%). This differential behavior was explained by genetic variation. The main cause of dormancy in these populations was the presence of inhibitors in the seed covers rather than the barrier effect. While KNO3 as substratum reduced germination of both dispersal units and cariopses, PEG increased initial germination. The effect of year of harvest was significant. Germination behaviour depends on genotype, year of harvest, osmotic pre-conditioning, and nitrate level. The possible ecological implications of these results are discussed in relation to rangeland rehabilitation by the reseeding of this forage grass specie.


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How to Cite

Schrauf, G. E., Martino, A., Giavedoni, J., & Pensiero, J. F. (1998). Efectos genéticos y ambientales sobre el comportamiento germinativo de poblaciones de Moha perenne. Ecología Austral, 8(1), 049–056. Retrieved from https://ojs.ecologiaaustral.com.ar/index.php/Ecologia_Austral/article/view/1635


