Regeneración de Celtis tala y su relación con el pastoreo, la cobertura herbácea y arbórea en el NE de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seedling and sapling densities were assessed in three, 5-m wide, contiguous areas: forest, forest edge and adjacent grassland, 20 km SE from Magdalena city (35o11 ‘S, 57o17’W). Sapling density was low at the forest edge (0.03 ± 0.007plant/m2) and 0 in the forest and the grassland. Grazing had no effect on density and mean height. Sapling occurrence war negatively related to the cover of the same species. 98% ofsaplings were under othertree species (Scutia buxifolia Reiss) and tended to occur atlow grass cover. Mean seedling density was lower under C. tala 3.0 ± 0.3 plant/m2 than under S. buxifolia (8.1 ± 1.2 plant/m2) cover. No differences among forest, forest edge, and grassland were found. Seedling density was larger under S. buxifolia and was unrelated with herbaceous cover. Differences in sapling density among forest, forest edge, and grassland were due to differences in seedling mortality and could not be explained by differences in seed availability and germination. The results suggest that the forest- grasssland limit is stable at ecological time scale.
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