Dieta de la llama (Lama glama) en la estepa magallánica


  • Gabriela Posse Centro de Ecofisiología Vegetal (Ceveg-Conicet), Serrano 669, 1414 Buenos Aires. Dirección actual: Instituto de Clima y Agua, INTA. 1712 Castelar, Argentina.
  • Enrique Livraghi AER INTA Rio Grande, Av. El Cano 614, 9420 Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego


The seasonal botanical composition of the llanta (Lama glama) diet was studied ¡ti the magellanic steppe using a microhistological method. Grasses were the principal diet componentthroughout the year, followed by graminoids (Cyperaceae and Juncaceae). Poa and Deschampsia were the most important diet components throughoutthe year. Gramiraoid proportion was particularly high in summer, suggesting a selection of wet meadows. Shrub consumption was generally low, with a maximum in spring and summer. Diet of llama and sheep were similar. In both cases, consumption of Festuca gracillima, a dominant tussock of tow nutritional quality, was low.


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How to Cite

Posse, G., & Livraghi, E. (1997). Dieta de la llama (Lama glama) en la estepa magallánica. Ecología Austral, 7(1), 042–046. Retrieved from


