Patrones morfológicos y florísticos en los bosques andino-patagónicos de Argentina


  • María A. Damascos Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, C. C. 1336, 8400 Bariloche, Argentina


The morphological patterns of forests of Nahuel Huapi National Park 41°S (Northern Patagonia) were analyzed and compared with those ofthe forests at 51oS (Southern Patagonia), Argentina. The deciduous and evergreen forests of Northern Patagonia were heterogeneus in floristic composition but similar in plant morphology. Their component species were mainly intolerant to low rainfall, and their growth forms suggested that competition for light is an important structuring force. At 51 ° South latitude, the species of the deciduous and evergreen forests were morphologically diverse, since the deciduous forests of this latitude are characterized by morphologies typical of more xeric and open environments, and the species are tolerant to low rainfall. The morphological patterns of the deciduous forests at both latitudes show the floristics differences in species and families due to different positions in the regional climatic and disturbance gradient.


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How to Cite

Damascos, M. A. (1996). Patrones morfológicos y florísticos en los bosques andino-patagónicos de Argentina. Ecología Austral, 6(2), 094–100. Retrieved from


