Estructura en gremios de un ensamble de aves acuáticas durante la estación reproductiva


  • Ana M. Sarrías Av. Independencia 2179 5C, 1225 Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Daniel Blanco Humedales para las Américas, Monroe 2142, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Javier López de Casenave Depto. Biología, FCEYN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Piso 4, Pabellón 2, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina


From September 1992 to January 1993, the guild structure of a waterfowl assemblage of artificial ponds in the Costanera Sur Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was .studied. We examined the feeding ecology of 18 species of grebes, anatids, and ralids in terms of feeding habitat and foraging methods. Using cluster analysis we identified four groups based on habitat preferences and three groups based on feeding methods. When the two dimensions were considered simultaneously, the assemblage appeared to be structured into four guilds: 1) ralids that foraged by picking in zones characterized by shallow water and dense floating vegetation, 2) a single species, Cygnus melancoryphus, which feed with the neck submerged in deeper central portions of ponds, 3) dabbling species, and 4) diving species. Diving species were characterized by specialized feeding methods and generalized habitat use, while dabbling species showed little specialization in feeding methods and habitats. The utilization of feeding methods appears to be more important than the use of specific habitats in determining the overall guild structure in the waterfowl assemblage.


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How to Cite

Sarrías, A. M., Blanco, D., & López de Casenave, J. (1996). Estructura en gremios de un ensamble de aves acuáticas durante la estación reproductiva. Ecología Austral, 6(2), 106–114. Retrieved from


