Comunidades arbóreas no saturadas en las Yungas de Argentina
When local community diversity is limited by local ecological factors (competitive exclusion, environmental factors, disturbance, predation, parasitism) is referred as saturated. However, processes acting atregionalscale can setlimitsto the number ofspecies availahle for colonizing the local community. Considering arborealspeciesfrom 42 sites of old growth forestsin ArgentineYungas, a close and positive relationship between regionalspeciesrichness(calculated from geographic distrihutions) and localspecies richness (calculated from 0.1 ha census and .species lists) can he observed. This meares that local ecological jáctor is not sufficient to limit local species richness and regional availability of colonizing species is important. This underscores the need for .studies that discriminate between the effects of local ecological factors and regional processes in determining the local species richness.
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