Parámetros biológicos del parasitoide Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) en condiciones de laboratorio


  • Silvia N. López INTA, Insectario de Investigaciones para Lucha Biológica, IMYZA, CICA, Castelar (1712) Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Eduardo N. Botto INTA, Insectario de Investigaciones para Lucha Biológica, IMYZA, CICA, Castelar (1712) Buenos Aires, Argentina


The estimation of biological parameters of natural enemies is an important tool in applied biological control since it contributes to reduce the risk of selecting the wrong agents. Population parameters like the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) have been widely used as indices of the potencial performance of natural enemies. This paper deals with the development of life and fecundity tables to estimate r m and other biological parameters (i.e.,the netreproductive rate R0, survival lx, specific fecundity mx, generational time T) in the parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa, a biological control agent to be used against the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum, in Argentina. Under the experimental conditions performed the estimated parameters were: rm=0.283 parazitized pupae / ♀/ d; lx , (immature stages) =96%; mean longevity of adults =10.4 days; survival (lx 50% ) of adults =8-9 days; R0= 155.6 parasitized pupae /♀ ; T=17.9 days. This is the first time that E. formosa is evaluated regarding its potential as a biocontrol agent of the greenhouse whitefly in Argentina.


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How to Cite

López, S. N., & Botto, E. N. (1995). Parámetros biológicos del parasitoide Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) en condiciones de laboratorio. Ecología Austral, 5(2), 105–110. Retrieved from


