Patrones alimentarios de Uta stansburiana stejnegeri (Sauria: iguanidae) en dunas del Bolsón de Mapimí en Chihuahua, México


  • Luis E. Palacios-Orona
  • Héctor Gadsden-Esparza Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Carr. Mazatlán Km. 5. A. P. 632, C. P. 34000 Durango, Dgo. México


We studied the seasonal feeding pattern of the lizard Uta stansburiana stejnegeri in sand dunes of the Bolsón de Mapimí in Chihuahua, México. We determined the main food items at the Order level, quantified the fluctuations of diversity of arthropods in the diet related to rainfall fluctuations, and calculated the intersexual niche overlap. Stomaches were examined and the importance value of each prey based on its relative abundance, relative volume, and constancy was determined. Formicidae was the most important order, followed by Isoptera (adults). Other groups were less abundant, but were important because of the individual size of prey (Coleoptera adults, Lepidoptera larvae and Hemiptera adults). Prey diversity was relatively low during Spring and higher in Summer and Autumn. The intersexual niche overlap was high all year round. However, we found some intersexual variation in Isoptera prey length.


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How to Cite

Palacios-Orona, L. E., & Gadsden-Esparza, H. (1995). Patrones alimentarios de Uta stansburiana stejnegeri (Sauria: iguanidae) en dunas del Bolsón de Mapimí en Chihuahua, México. Ecología Austral, 5(1), 037–045. Retrieved from


