Caraterísticas estructurales de los rizomas de Paspalum dilatatum. Su relación con el crecimiento aéreo y con las variaciones estacionales del clima
The objetives of this work were: a) to describe the seasonal patterns of internode volume variations of P. dilatatum rhizomes and their relationship with some climatic factors and b) to determine allometric relationships between the volume of rhizome and leaf blade area. Plants subjected to mechanical defoliation were sampled monthly over 2 years and the internode volume of their rhizomes was determinated. Internode volume was correlated with temperature, radiation, and leaf blade area originated from the rhizome. Internode volume varied within a single rhizome, describing a seasonal pattern that correlated significantly with the seasonal variation of temperature and radiation. The smallest internodes were found during fall and winter and the largest during spring arad summer. Rhizome volume was significantly correlated with leaf blade area during its development. Tillering was more frequent in larger internodes, and in the axil of leaves larger blade area. The foliar scars on the rhizome would allow to determine the number of leaves and tillers during a year of growth.
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