Feeding strategy and predation of the Barn owl (Tyto alba) and the Burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia) on rodent species, sex, and size, in agrosystems of central Argentina
Feeding strategy and predation of the Bartz owl (Tyto alba) and the Burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia) on rodent .species, size, and sex was studied by examining consumption and abundance of prey categories in agrosystems of Central Argentina. The Bartz owl foraged in borders of cultivated fields more than did the Burrowing owl. Both owl species preyed on Oligoryzomys flavescens significantly more than expected based on trap captures. The Barn owl consumed atore Akodon azarae arad fewer Calomys laucha whereas the Burrowing owl took fewer A. azarae and more C. laucha than expected. The Bartz owl selected the largest individuals of every prey species, while the Burrowing owl preyed on juveniles more than expected based on trap captures. The under-representation of large rodents in the diet of the Burrowing owl may be explained by opportunistic feeding behaviour. In contrast, the choice of large-sized rodents by the Barn owl may be a result of selective feeding behaviour. The Bartz owl preyed more on female Calomys laucha than on reales, the only case showing significant difference between sex of prey chosen by owls and the estimated sex ratio.
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