Potential distribution models of native mammals in Patagonia


  • Melina E. Zuliani Departamento de Análisis de Sistemas Complejos. Fundación Bariloche-CONICET
  • Adrián Monjeau Departamento de Análisis de Sistemas Complejos. Fundación Bariloche-CONICET




climate envelope, distribution model, Patagonia, native mammals


Given the prospects of climate change and its influence on the species’ geographic range, it is important to clarify which climate indicators best explain current distributions, as tools for the conservation of threatened species. It is also important to know the percentage of protection of suitable habitats for these species. In this paper we identify the main climatic variables that explain the distribution patterns of 16 species of medium and large mammals in Patagonia through the MaxEnt model, using 19 bioclimatic variables from WorldClim, elevation, NDVI and EVI and a proxy for anthropic pressure (human footprint). We calculated the percentage of coverage of protected areas for each species and found that most of the ideal habitat is outside them, and that strictly protected areas (I and II) have more records of presence than managed resource areas (III to VI). Species with restricted distributions are the most vulnerable to extinction because they are less resilient to changes in the climatic envelope, especially outside protected areas.


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Modelos de distribución potencial de mamíferos nativos en la Patagonia



How to Cite

Zuliani, M. E., & Monjeau, A. (2021). Potential distribution models of native mammals in Patagonia. Ecología Austral, 32(1), 019–032. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.