Comparación de diferentes metodologías para la estimación del crecimiento del pejerrey patagónico


  • Fabián Grosman Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras (IHLLA), C. C. 178, 7300 Azul, Argentina


This study deals with the growth of the Patagonic silverside (Patagonina hatcheri) at Terraplen lagoon, (43oS. Lat. and 71.5 °W. Long.), in the Patagonia region. Three methods for estimating growth were applied: 1) the method of back-calculation was used to scale growth mark data; 2) a simpler method based on a modification of 1) (Freyre-Sendra), which considers the probability of the formation of marks, and 3) the Petersen method, which takes into account the follow-up of cohorts throughout the sampling period. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was employed. The parameters obtained were: Back-calculation: k= 0.573, t0= -0,059, L∞= 394.53, Freyre-Sendra: k= 0. 249, t0= -0.51, L∞ = 524.52, Petersen: k= 0. 37135, t0= 0.11339, L ∞ = 539.09. Comparisons among all methods showed no significant differences. The time of the year when growth marks appear is inferred to be in fall-winter. Freyre and Sendra’s method applied to this fish species yields reasonable and more efficient results. Its use is recommended for the study of this species in other aquatic environments of the Patagonia region.


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How to Cite

Grosman, F. (1993). Comparación de diferentes metodologías para la estimación del crecimiento del pejerrey patagónico. Ecología Austral, 3(1), 033–041. Retrieved from


