Composición botánica de la dieta del tuco-tuco (Ctenomys mendocinus) en el piedemonte precordillerano


  • Laura Madoery Unidad de Ecología y Zoología Animal, IADIZA, CRYCYT - Mendoza, Casilla de Correo 507, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina


A microscopic analysis of stomach was performed to determine the seasonal pattern of the botanical composition of the diet of a population of Ctenomys mendocinus in Cacheuta (Mendoza). Fifty-three animals, captured in april, august, October 1988 and february 1989, were tested. Seasonal censuses of vegetation were done by means of transect lines. The values in percentages of the diet indicated the predominance of grass in summer (94.5%). This dominance remained through all the rest of the year with lower percentages. Shrubs were consumed all year round, but they were important only in winter (29.5%). Herbs and cacti were consumed in small proportions (1 %).


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How to Cite

Madoery, L. (1993). Composición botánica de la dieta del tuco-tuco (Ctenomys mendocinus) en el piedemonte precordillerano. Ecología Austral, 3(1), 049–055. Retrieved from


