Variación espacial y estacional en la estructura de las comunidades de diatomeas epilíticas de un arroyo andino. Su relación con factores abióticos


  • Patricia V. Gaglioti Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, UNC. Casilla de Correo 1336, 8400 Bariloche, Argentina


The community structure of epilithic diatoms was studied in Arroyo Guillelmo, a South Andes rithron system, and related to the spatial and temporal variation of abiotic parameters. Temporal variation of these parameters affected abundance and species richness. The increasing temperature and the decrease in current velocity during summer and autumn would be responsible for high algal development during those seasons. Spatial differences in community structure could be accounted for by light exposure and stream depth. Cluster analysis of both quantitative (abundance) and qualitative data (presence-absence) showed that Cocconeis placentula and Synedra ulna were independent of spatial and temporal variations. On the other hand, Achnanthes lanceolata, Melosira patagonica, Nitzschia frustulum, and Rhoicosphenia curvata formed important assemblages of dominant or subdominant species. Both analyses clearly revealed the species assemblage associated to high light exposure and low depth.


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How to Cite

Gaglioti, P. V. (1992). Variación espacial y estacional en la estructura de las comunidades de diatomeas epilíticas de un arroyo andino. Su relación con factores abióticos. Ecología Austral, 2(2), 077–086. Retrieved from


