Organización de comunidades estacionales de malezas en el sudeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


  • Eduardo Requesens Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Casilla de Correo 178, 7300 Azul, Argentina
  • Nora Madanes Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Intendente Güiraldes y Costanera Norte, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina


Patterns of aerial biomass accumulation, distribution of relative abundance and species diversity were analized during the development of two seasonal communities of weeds in SE of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). One community corresponded to a winter crop cycle (from the begining of August to mid January) and the other to summer crop cycle (from early October to the end of March). The analysis showed two different models of community organization. During its development, the winter community showed lower biomass accumulation, greater species diversity, and a sequence of dominance by different species as the growing season procedes. The summercommunity showed twice as mach biomass, lower species diversity, and a stationary hierarchy of codominant species. In both communities, the distribution of relative importances was linear over the entire growing period, but the slopes for the summer community were more negative.


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How to Cite

Requesens, E., & Madanes, N. (1992). Organización de comunidades estacionales de malezas en el sudeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ecología Austral, 2(2), 101–108. Retrieved from


