Dieta y remoción de forraje de Dichroplus pratensis (Orthoptera, Acrididae) en un pastizal natural de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina
Dichroplus pratensis Bruner is the most abundant grasshopper in wide areas of grasslands of La Pampa province. This study determined the food preferences of a Dichroplus pratensis population and forage losses in relation to grassland primary productivity. The results showed that D. pratensis is poliphagous, but it has a high relative preference for some species or groups of them. There were 38 species in the grassland, 24 grasses arad 14 forbs, with grasses comprising 85% of green biomass, 31 species (81 %) (18 grasses arad 13 forbs) were found in the feces during the study period. Forbs were more preferred than grasses in all developmental stages. Preferences for different species noticeably changed across different stages of insect development. Green biomass and aboveground primary productivity had two peaks, one ira autumm and the other, higher, in spring. D. pratensis population removed 4.8% of annual aboveground productivity. D. pratensis arad cattle removed 24% of aboveground primary productivity.
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