Consumo y eficiencia digestiva del Mara, Dolichotis patagonum (Rodentia: Caviidae)
Determinations of forage requirements and food conversion efficiency are useful to evaluate the effect of wild herbivores on natural pastures. This paper provides basic information on consumption and digestive efficiency of the niara, Dolichotis patagonum. Voluntary ingestion and in vivo digestibility methodology was applied with six adult maras confined in metabolic cages. Daily nican intake of dry matter per body weight was 4.3 % and dgestibility of dry matter was 0.57. Both figures show that the niara ís a highly efficient herbivore. The average daily forage consumed by mara ín captivity, was jound to be 2.53.11 g. Indirect estimations of consumption in nalitral range freedom gave higher values probably due to food quality and activity of the animals. A methodical integration of this species into productive systems ís suggested, considering its feeding characteristics and successful adaptation to arid lands, in order to improve its conservation status.
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