The The Argentine Native Plant Nursery Network (REVINA): An ethnobotanical perspective to strengthen ecosystem restoration in Argentina


  • Mariela V. Lacoretz Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, IEGEBA-CONICET. CABA
  • Ingrid Villanova Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar, INTA. Buenos Aires
  • Marcela I. Sánchez Jardín Botánico Arturo E. Ragonese, Instituto de Recursos Biológicos, INTA. Buenos Aires
  • España Verrastro Coordinación de Programas Socioambientales, Secretaría de Extensión, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Buenos Aires
  • Piedad M. Cristiano Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, IEGEBA-CONICET. CABA



ecological restoration, plant production, socially robust science, knowledge co-production


The Argentine Native Plant Nursery Network (REVINA) links different social actors involved in native plant production, their valorization and the restoration of Argentina’s ecosystems. It is essential to strengthen the network in order to meet the country’s restoration goals, considering that the nursery community will generate the plant species that will be the primary inputs for restoration projects. In this paper we study the native plant nursery network, the nursery community and the plants they produce, in order to strengthen restoration projects in Argentina through the survey of the participants of the annual meetings of the REVINA in the period 2016-2020. We observed the network has grown remarkably since its creation, reflecting the increasing interest in native plants in recent years. Most of the plant species grown in the nurseries belonged to the Fabaceae family, are woody, and show a strong bias towards species from the centre-east of the country, in line with the number of nurseries concentrated in that region. A great number of nurseries have a small production, although, over the years, larger nurseries joined the network. The perspective used allowed us to obtain a first list of native plant nurseries and the species they cultivate. Finally, some aspects are proposed in order to strengthen this network of actors and thus be able to fulfill the restoration initiatives of the country.


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La Red de Viveros de Plantas Nativas de Argentina (REVINA): Una perspectiva etnobotánica para fortalecer la restauración de ecosistemas en la Argentina



How to Cite

Lacoretz, M. V., Villanova, I., Sánchez, M. I., Verrastro, E., & Cristiano, P. M. (2022). The The Argentine Native Plant Nursery Network (REVINA): An ethnobotanical perspective to strengthen ecosystem restoration in Argentina. Ecología Austral, 32(1), 174–185.