Review of the contaminating effects of glyphosate and their possible correlation with extractive metallurgy processes
drinking water, ingestion-inhalation, honey bees, copper pyrometallurgy, genetic damageAbstract
A review of the contaminating effects of glyphosate and their possible correlation with an extractive metallurgy process was carried out. For such comparison, copper recovery by pyrometallurgy was chosen because the hazardous substances formed (SO2, As4O6) propagate in air and water. Next, those aspects of glyphosate that determine its sanitary tolerance were discussed: carcinogenic risk to humans and maximum concentration in drinking water. As a remarkable fact, it is mentioned that at least one of the constituents of the commercial herbicide formulations has greater toxicity in relation to the active principle. Various issues regarding the glyphosate transport through the subsoil unsaturated zone in an agricultural basin in Argentina were analyzed. According to the compiled references, the inhalation-ingestion of large amounts of the herbicide is required to affect health. This statement would not explain why children exposed to glyphosate, among other pesticides, suffered genetic damage. It was found that the survival of honey bees is threatened by the presence of the herbicide in their diet. Germany, Luxembourg and Austria banned the use of glyphosate in their territories, invoking different arguments. Finally, it was noted that when adverse effects of the herbicide are reported, the work is refuted almost immediately.
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