Argentine Network of Permanent Native Forest Plots to promote scientific collaborations on longterm studies
plot metadata, forest monitoring, forest regionsAbstract
Permanent forest plots are sampling areas where tree identity, abundance and size are recorded periodically, in order to study how forests change with climate, natural disturbances, uses and management. So far, patterns of change observed with permanent plots in Argentina have been local or regional. To promote scientific collaborations between different research groups within and among regions of Argentina, we created the Network of Permanent Plots of Native Argentinian Forests (RAPP), which includes the regions of Bosques Andino-Patagónicos, Chaco Seco, Chaco Húmedo, Monte de Sierras y Bolsones, Monte de Llanuras y Mesetas, Selva Paranaense and Yungas. Here we synthesize and characterize the information of 317 permanent plots (328.9 ha) included in the RAPP, describing their geographic distribution, objectives, main methodological aspects, and characteristics of the forests where they are established (e.g., disturbance, land tenure, structure, species richness), and after that, discuss the complementarity between the RAPP and the national inventories of native forests. Permanent plots are established over a wide range of latitude (22.02-54.89° S) and elevation (19 a 2304 m a. s. l.), but they are mainly concentrated in Subtropics (Chaco Seco, Chaco Húmedo, Selva Paranaense, and Yungas) and in Bosques Andino-Patagónicos. In all plots, trees are taxonomically identified and different dasometric variables are remeasured, which are the basis for potential collaborations to answer ecological questions at a larger scale. We hope to continue incorporating working groups in the RAPP and encouraging the establishment of plots, mainly in regions with a low number of permanent plots such as Monte, Espinal, and Delta e Islas del Paraná. The goal is that the RAPP advances in the long-term study of all native forests in Argentina, achieving a greater national cover and more interactions among research teams.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Walter A. Medina, Lucas A. Garibaldi, Stella Giannoni, Matías G. Goldenberg, Marcelo González Peñalba, Yohana G. Jimenez, Sebastián Kees, Graciela N. Klekailo, Martín Lara, Patricio Mac Donagh, Lucio R. Malizia, Flavia Mazzini, Romina D. Fernández, Facundo J. Oddi, Dardo Paredes, Pablo L. Peri, Carlos Persini, Darién E. Prado, Roberto M. Salas, Ana Srur, Mariana Villagra, Patricia Zelaya, Pablo E. Villagra, Jimena Saucedo Miranda, Cecilia Blundo, Agustina Malizia, Oriana Osinaga Acosta, Julieta Carilla, Ricardo Grau, Paula I. Campanello, Aníbal Cuchietti, Ignacio Gasparri, Genoveva Gatti, Dante Loto, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Sergio Ceballos, Mariano Amoroso, Natalia Andino, Daniela Arpigiani, Valeria Aschero, Ignacio M. Barberis, Natalia A. Bedrij; Renata Nicora Chequin; Verónica Chillo, Beatriz Eibl, Pablo Eliano
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