Salmonid introduction in Patagonia: the ghost of past, present and future management
Ecología Austral 24:162-172 (2014)
The present structure of the fish fauna ofPatagoniahas been influenced by natural processes and by the introduction of exotic fish with varying purposes. An analysis of the introductions between 1904 and2011 inrelation to 54 drainages showed that the differential success of salmonid species introduced intoPatagoniais related to human actions, environment, evolutionary history and plasticity of the introduced species as well as to their abiotic and biotic interactions. Throughout time shifting policies have lacked clear goals and mandates, ultimately producing management actions and strategies rarely based on actual knowledge. In recent years two broad general management goals have emerged, conservation of native fish and economic growth through development of salmonid sport fisheries. Despite of the growing number of biological and ecological studies, there is a shortage of specific management studies. This is brought about in part because the different stake holders involved have partial views of the complexity of managing the resource and its fragility, and also due to their limited interaction. Only cooperation and concerted planning among interested parties may lead us to local and regional policies that take into account the above described goals. Thus, a key component for future management should combine research and management plans focused through greater cooperation among interested parties
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