Invasive alien species management in Patagonia, Argentina: Prioritization, achievements and science-policy integration challenges identified by the National Parks Administration


  • Javier Sanguinetti Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Leonardo Buria
  • Laura Malmierca
  • Alejandro E.J. Valenzuela
  • Cecilia Núñez
  • Hernán Pastore
  • Luis Chauchard
  • Nicolás Ferreyra
  • Guillermina Massaccesi
  • Emilce Gallo
  • Claudio Chehébar



Ecología Austral 24:183-192 (2014)

Invasive alien species are a threat to biodiversity. Management options encompass prevention, early detection, eradication, control, exclusion and even “no action.” More technical information is needed to achieve complex management actions successfully. In addition, managers and researchers address the problem with different approaches. Managers seek to prioritize management actions, and for researchers, these species are an opportunity to study basic and/or theoretical aspects, but not always applied to management. However, the management strategies offer a unique opportunity for both groups to work together seeking mutual benefits. Currently, management decisions are often based on experiences or information from other countries, which is not always useful for local problems. We present several management experiences in the Argentine National Parks Administration to show achievements, difficulties and challenges usually faced by managers. We found that: a) it is important, when resources are scarce, to generate effective prioritization tools and networks; b) it is also vital to involve the community in the management actions; c) on the other hand, research directly applied to pilot eradication is required; and d) also, a careful planning, and continuity and monitoring of management actions and environmental results based on different types of first class technical information, are key aspects for successful management. Finally, managers and researchers must ensure that the results of applied research are known and understood by decision makers and the general public, to secure management support.


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How to Cite

Sanguinetti, J., Buria, L., Malmierca, L., Valenzuela, A. E., Núñez, C., Pastore, H., Chauchard, L., Ferreyra, N., Massaccesi, G., Gallo, E., & Chehébar, C. (2014). Invasive alien species management in Patagonia, Argentina: Prioritization, achievements and science-policy integration challenges identified by the National Parks Administration. Ecología Austral, 24(2), 183–192.