Influence of climate on the composition, diversity, biomass and functional traits of tree vegetation of two Andean montane tropical forests


  • Hugo Cedillo Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión Forestal y Ambiental. España
  • Luis G. García-Montero Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión Forestal y Ambiental. España
  • Santiago Toledo Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador
  • Pablo Mosquera Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador
  • Paola Benalcázar Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador
  • Pedro Zea Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador
  • Oswaldo Jadán Grupo de Ecología Forestal Agroecosistemas y Silvopasturas en Sistemas Ganaderos, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Departamento de Biología, Geología, Física y Química Inorgánica. España



Azuay, montane forest, spatial correlation, remnant forests, precipitation, temperature


In the western Andes of southern Ecuador, remnants of Andean montane tropical forests (BTMA) deserve to be studied ecologically for their value and conservation purposes. This research aimed to describe the difference in taxonomic and functional parameters of arboreal vegetation and explain its relationship with predictor variables. Predictors of climate, soils and spatial correlation were used to explain the difference in composition, diversity, tree density, biomass and functional traits between two types of BTMA: evergreen montane forest (BSM) and highline evergreen montane forest (BSMA). The difference in species composition was described with ANOSIM and NMDS. Differences in diversity, density, biomass and functional traits were evaluated using mean tests with Student t. The relationship between species composition and predictor variables was analyzed with variance partitioning (VARPART), while tree density, above-ground biomass, and functional traits were analyzed with generalized linear models (MLG). The composition was different between the two types and was explained by climate and spatial correlation. Tree density and above-ground biomass were higher in the BSMA. The weighted average of the leaf area (AF) was higher in BSM, while the specific leaf area (AFE) was higher in the BSMA. The mean annual precipitation (PMA) and mean annual temperature (TMA) explained the composition of the species. The density was explained by the TMA, apparent density (DA) and MO. The aboveground biomass was explained by TMA. The AF was explained by the TMA and DA and the AFE was explained by the PMA. We concluded that the parameters of the vegetation vary in small altitudinal gradients, where there is environmental heterogeneity conditioned by the climate and certain soil variables.


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Influence of climate on the composition, diversity, biomass and functional traits of tree vegetation of two Andean montane tropical forests



How to Cite

Cedillo, H., García-Montero, L. G., Toledo, S., Mosquera, P., Benalcázar, P., Zea, P., & Jadán, O. (2023). Influence of climate on the composition, diversity, biomass and functional traits of tree vegetation of two Andean montane tropical forests. Ecología Austral, 33(3), 716–729.