Effects of roadsides and invasive plants on standing vegetation and seed bank in northern Patagonian shrublands





disturbances, Nothofagus antarctica, microsite, restoration, road slope


Road construction generates environmental impacts on ecosystems, fragmenting and transforming habitats. They affect the assemblage of species in degraded areas, contributing to the introduction and increase of invasive exotic plant species. The introduction of invasive species changes the abundance and composition of native species, which represents a threat to global biodiversity. Our objective was to analyze the standing vegetation assemblage and seed bank and to identify invasive species in roadsides embankment of Nothofagus antarctica shrublands in northwest Patagonia. The composition, richness, diversity, and abundance of exotic and native species and functional groups of the standing vegetation and in the seed bank were analyzed on road slopes and reference areas. The road slopes presented different floristic composition, with lower total vegetation cover and seed density, lower richness and cover of native species, and lower seed density of exotic species than the reference areas. The similarity between standing vegetation and seed bank was high for exotic species. The vegetation on the slopes of the road was dominated by annual/biannual and perennial herbs and exotic invasive species and by native perennial herbs and grasses and shrubs; no shrub seeds were found there. The presence of exotic species on road slopes may respond to the conditions of the microsites and the traits of the species that colonize them, such as their ability to form seed banks, their high seed production, or their life form and life cycle. This work showed that in the shrublands of northwestern Patagonia, roadsides and nearby areas present potentially invasive exotic species, highlighting the importance of early identification for their control.


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Effects of roadsides and invasive plants on standing vegetation and seed bank in northern Patagonian shrublands



How to Cite

Chichizola, G. A., Gonzalez, S. L., & Rovere, A. E. (2023). Effects of roadsides and invasive plants on standing vegetation and seed bank in northern Patagonian shrublands. Ecología Austral, 33(3), 923–937. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.