Agricultural droughts in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, during the Period 1996-2018


  • Dora S. Maglione Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Río Gallegos, Argentina
  • Paula Paredes Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Río Gallegos, Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, EEA Santa Cruz
  • Julio A. Soto Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Río Gallegos, Argentina
  • Oscar Bonfili Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (Regional Río Gallegos)



SPI, kriging, agricultural sector, precipitation, arid ecosystems


Recurrent droughts affect both natural ecosystems and human activities, generating significant economic damage, especially when prolonged. This study aims to detect and monitor agricultural droughts in the province of Santa Cruz during the period 1996-2018, using the Standardized Precipitation Index on a six-month scale. The geostatistical method of kriging allowed for the estimation of the spatial extent of affected areas during periods of productive significance. An alternation between dry years (November 1996 and 1998) and a wet year (November 1997) was observed. Notably, 2016 was characterized by a persistent drought, severely affecting the most productive areas during autumn. This temporal variability, combining both dry and wet events, may buffer the effects on grasslands; however, prolonged droughts like those in 2016 reduced primary productivity, with direct repercussions on the livestock sector.


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Agricultural droughts in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, during the Period 1996-2018



How to Cite

Maglione, D. S., Paredes, P., Soto, J. A., & Bonfili, O. (2024). Agricultural droughts in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, during the Period 1996-2018. Ecología Austral, 608–621.


