Diversity of Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in different environments in an agroecosystem from southeast Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Adela V. Castro GENEBSO, INBIOTEC, CONICET, FCEyN, UNMdP, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • Armando C. Cicchino GENEBSO, INBIOTEC, CONICET, FCEyN, UNMdP, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • Darío P. Porrini GENEBSO, INBIOTEC, CONICET, FCEyN, UNMdP, Mar del Plata, Argentina.




The coleopteran of the family Carabidae conform a large part of the soil biodiversity from agroecosystems, hence they are good model organism to study the composition and structure of communities. The aims of this contribution were to: a) analyze the diversity of Carabidae (species richness, activity, composition and structure of assemblages) in environments with different anthropic use; b) know the association of Carabidae species with herbaceous vegetation; c) analyze the proportion of species according to their specialisation to habitat requirements, capacity of dispersion in relation to wing dimorphism and sinanthropism, and d) identify typical species of different environments and e) record the presence of larvae. The study was conducted in an agroecosystem from Laguna Nahuel Ruca (37°37’04’’ S - 57°25’16’’ W). We selected different sampling environments: three forest environments, three open environments and a mixed environment; all of them were sampled monthly with "pitfall" traps during one year. We made a ranking to measure the degree of human modification of each environment. Higher values of species richness were recorded in forest environments. Carabidae assemblages differed according to habitat structure. We identify typical species of open environments as well as forest environments. The proportion of macropterous and synanthropic species tended to be higher in open environments, while there was no difference in the proportion of eurytopic species. Ten species of Carabidae were associated with families Convolvulaceae, Apiaceae and Fabaceae in spring. Seven species of larvae were recorded mainly in forest environments during summer. We concluded that land use and the structure of environment influence the local biodiversity of Carabidae.



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Diversidad de Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) en distintos ambientes de un agroecosistema del sudeste bonaerense, Argentina



How to Cite

Castro, A. V., Cicchino, A. C., & Porrini, D. P. (2017). Diversity of Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in different environments in an agroecosystem from southeast Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ecología Austral, 27(2), 252–265. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.



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